Friday, April 6, 2012

For every action there is a reaction....

I remember when I was pregnant with Jackson I heard pregnancy stories, labor stories, birth stories, newborn stories, lack of sleep stories....most of these stories included dramatic or traumatic events that were super scary and worrisome for a mom-to be. Now as I talk to expecting mothers I find myself also chiming in with things that probably could be left unsaid so that the poor sister can just filter the good and not be overwhelmed or anxious. God gives us each a "story" and sometimes there is wisdom in being quiet.....(as I remind myself).

As we've shared our journey toward foster/adoption we have heard many stories or reactions as I've come to understand them. And as with pregnancy, I have heard many horror stories and have gotten very mixed reactions to our "news".  However, the horror stories and negative reactions cause me to lean more toward "action" than ever. This is what God has laid on our hearts for our family and no story or reaction will sway that. We know people firsthand with adopted and fostered children and have heard some really sweet stories. No question, there is a huge amount of faith needed as we journey.

I do have my degree in Social Work and have worked with at-risk youth for 9 years. I've seen some really sad, sick, horrible, life altering things that I would rather forget. I have called social services more times than I'd like to remember and I have seen what can happen when there is no hope. It's horrible. Having said that, those things do not qualify me to foster/adopt. Not even a bit. What qualifies me is knowing that God has commanded me to love Him and love others....other than that I'm as unqualified as the next gal. All I know is that God's love, not even my own, is the "reaction" to the "action" we are doing.

They told us in our classes that people will have all sorts of reactions to our journey. Some of my friends and family are super super super encouraging and prayerful as we take these steps, some are hesitant, some know me way to well not to be skeptical, but hey...we are all broken and in need of some love and support. Some love me with truth (which I appreciate), some laugh with me when I have the moments of "what are we doing???" and some are silently against this decision. I'm fine with all the reactions....we all have marriages that need God's hand, we all have imperfect children who make us wonder at times if we can even survive another day......but the fact of the matter is...when you act, people react. When people react, sometimes we act.

Today, in thinking about all of this, I'm just thankful that God reacted to the fact that I would be separated from Him forever...He reacted and acted by sacrificing His Son Jesus on the cross for me so that I can have a chance and doing some "love actions" on this earth until heaven. Amazing...and yes there were people who were and still are against that course of action. I for one am eternally grateful! Thank you Lord for your Son.

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