Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Party of Five

I loved watching Party of Five....orphaned kids trying to stay a family despite their horrific loss. Even before Matthew Fox and the others crossed my T.V. screen, I have always had a heartfelt interest in kids who need families. As we have started this journey to become our own "party of five" many people in my life have reminded me of my young desire to adopt. My mom, my best friend, my own heart reflecting on when I was in Russia, in college and my heart broke in half as we boarded the bus, leaving behind the orphans at one of the orphanages we visited. Uncontrollable tears....uncontrollable longing to do more. In Brazil, I was again aching for the kids we met who lived in the slums...orphans.

 Along with heartache I have also found so much joy in watching my friends adopt and foster....meeting Grant for the first time and being in complete awe of God's creation for my dear friends. Seeing Savannah and Christian be so loved and hearing their stories of God's plan for their lives. Watching another friend take in three foster children within a year and become an amazing family. Meeting people like Elizabeth who find so much joy and God's faithfulness in having been adopted. Chosen. God's sovereign plan.

I now find God's sovereignty in my life as He gave me my Paul. A man with a heart of gold, who also has a heart's desire to take in a child who needs a home. We are blessed with our own two loves, Presley and Jackson, and now is the time to have the child God has already decided will make us "five".

I am not naive to the fact that this might be a heartache in itself. Will we adopt the first foster child we bring into our home? Will we have to suffer loss? What is God's plan in all of our lives? Faith grows during this time. Trust is resting on my heart and mind each day. Is our child born? Are they suffering?...Faith grows, trust brings rest.

I came upon a verse awhile back that made me realize that this is something that God has called me to do beyond my young desires even began. It's obedience.

James 1:27

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained [a]by the world.
Everyone is always wondering the definition of "religion"....and as I came upon this verse, I realized that maybe RELIGION is an action...a verb, not a noun. Or an action-verb.

It's hard sometimes when I am passionate about something. I become prideful, blinded, focused, misinformed... I want everyone to be passionate with me. I want all Christians to bring orphans into their homes, I want everyone to be on the "same page". I have learned though, that we are all called to different "verbs". Faith grows, trust rests.
So forgive me if I tell you to adopt or foster. It's probably that I just think you are great! :) And....remind me of what you are called to. I love the Body of Christ...we are all part of loving God and loving others in amazing and special ways.
In a few weeks we will be certified to foster/adopt and then we will be faithful and trust God to bring us a child to love.
I started this blog to remember, to reflect, to hope. Bless you as you RELIGION!

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